We’ve created a coordinated curriculum of community-based SDOH interventions for health centers.


The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Academy is a HRSA-funded virtual training series designed to help staff from health centers, health center controlled networks, and primary care associations develop, implement, and sustain SDOH interventions in their clinics and communities.

The power of The SDOH Academy is that it does not focus on a single intervention. Instead, multiple HRSA-funded national training and technical assistance partners work together to offer a coordinated curriculum on multiple community-based SDOH interventions.

Founded in 2017, The SDOH Academy faculty created a set of foundational trainings available to all health centers, and runs yearly topical and population-based learning collaboratives to encourage peer learning and strengthen institutions’ SDOH practices.

In 2019, the Academy established detailed core competencies responding to the social determinants.



Steering Committee


Additional Faculty Members